Journal of Advances in Humanities Research <p>JADHUR is a scientific, international, peer-reviewed and open access journal devoted to the field of HUMANITIES and provides rapid publication of articles frequently in its issues. JADHUR publishes 6 issues per year. JADHUR publishes original research papers, as well as review articles, case studies and reports etc. JADHUR is the place for the exchange of information and research results within all areas of HUMANITIES and allied fields.</p> United Frontiers Publisher en-US Journal of Advances in Humanities Research 2948-4863 Exploring the Evolution of Wuhu Iron Painting through Cultural and Tourism Integration in the Digital Age: An Innovative Development Perspective <p>This study explores the dynamic realm of Wuhu Iron Painting, emphasizing how this age-old art form has evolved through its incorporation of tourism and culture in the quickly changing digital sphere. Our goal was to identify and comprehend the creative advancements that, in light of contemporary chances and obstacles, are altering Wuhu Iron Painting. We used a qualitative method to accomplish this, thoroughly reviewing the literature from a number of scholarly sources, including PubMed, Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ProQuest. Using keywords associated with Wuhu Iron Painting and its intersections with culture, tourism, and the digital age, we carefully selected articles for our method. Following a thorough screening procedure, we focused our analysis on 20 important publications that were released during the previous 20 years to guarantee a current and pertinent viewpoint. Our comprehensive research demonstrates the evolution of Wuhu Iron Painting's skills and creativity, the art form's growing connection to digital media, and the critical role that cultural tourism plays in advancing and maintaining this kind of expression. The way Wuhu Iron Painting has balanced ancient values with contemporary advances to become a substantial contributor to local economies and a symbol of community identity is particularly noteworthy. Our study sheds light on this special fusion of modernity and tradition, providing insightful analysis and possibly a model for other artistic and cultural fields going through comparable changes.</p> Zhu Mina Ridzuan Hussin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advances in Humanities Research 2024-02-12 2024-02-12 3 1 1 21 10.56868/jadhur.v3i1.198 Cross-Cultural Communication and Co-Directional Theory: Assessing the Impact of Cultural Background on Communication Efficacy Among International Students in Malaysia <p>The association of intercultural communication (IC) and international students has become increasingly evident in the global expansion of higher education. This study introduces the Cross-Cultural Communication model (CCCM), which explains Cultural Background (CB), Level of Cross-Cultural Adaptation (LCCA), Proficiency in Common Language (PCL), and Communication Efficacy (CE) as distinct stages in intercultural development. Focusing on international students in Malaysia, the research employed a quantitative survey method analyzing data from 215 among multi-cultural students. . Our findings show cultural background’s has positive and significant impact on cross-cultural adaptation, proficiency in common language, and communication efficacy. There was also a direct and significant impact of a level of cross-cultural adaptation and proficiency in common language on communication efficacy. Moreover, the extent to which individuals adapt to different cultures and their proficiency in a common language mediate the association between cultural background and communication efficacy. The findings reveal a progression from acquiring a cultural background (CB) to developing a level of cross-cultural adaptation (LCCA), enhancing proficiency in common language (PCL), and achieving communication efficacy (CE). These findings lend empirical support to the foundational assertions of the CCCM.</p> Qinghao Guo Krisana Chueachainat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advances in Humanities Research 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 22 40 10.56868/jadhur.v3i1.203 Promoting Early Childhood Learning Education: A Systematic Review of Structural Quality of Preschool Education in China <p>The study aims to investigate the evolution of preschool education policy in China, which plays a vital role in early childhood development. It required the government’s intensified focus since 2010 on enhancing both access and quality standards of preschool education, which illuminated through the lens of historical policy shifts and their implementation. This study is grounded in the PRISMA guidelines and involved a thorough literature search, selection based on stringent criteria, and a robust data extraction and coding process. The analysis reveals that the Chinese government increasingly perceives preschool education as a fundamental public service, which has been established in revised policies and targeted endeavors to bridge the urban-rural areas of China. The study concluded that persisting challenges, notably in the equitable distribution of resources, enrollment inequalities, and optimal teacher-to-child ratios, especially in rural areas. Despite these challenges, the significant strides made, and the policy impetus reflect the prioritization of preschool education within China's national agenda. The review encapsulates the complexities of policy evolution, its tangible successes, and the pathways for achieving universal and high-quality preschool education.</p> Feng Chen Peng Yang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advances in Humanities Research 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 3 1 41 58 10.56868/jadhur.v3i1.205